David 23rd May 2020

It is over a year now since Alex left us and I still feel as sad today as when I first found out. It came as more than a shock since I was drinking with him in a Pinner pub a few days earlier and he told me to stop "fussing" following my enquiries about his health. This note is a little late as I have had my own problems with the big C, fortunately for me not fatal.We grew up together in Wells House Road, East Acton and went to the same primary school in Long Drive: John Perryn Primary. We must have been very young as I remember Lily (I pronounced it as Alex did) as a 2 or 3  year old, George (or "Georgie Porgie" as Alex would call him) in his pram and their Mother who I remember calling him in at dinner time with the accented "Alexander"!. Never just "Alex".I remember if I was in any trouble Alex was always there, offering to help or, if someone had upset me, I remember him once offering to "beat them up" for me! We both had the popular childs "trolleys" with bearings or pram wheels until my father confiscated mine as, due to the cuts and bruises I came back with having rolled it at the bend in the road, he thought I might kill myself! (he was probably right!).   We parted for a while when my parents moved out to Perivale when I was 10 and I went to school there but we stayed in touch for a limited time as I used to cycle to Walpole Park in Ealing during my school lunchtime which was near where he used to go to secondary school.    We met up again about a decade later when I was drinking beer in the King's Head, Harrow and this huge, somewhat disconcerting giant of a man walked up to me and asked if my name was Dave Robinson! We stayed in touch ever since.  And then there was the time at S.K.Radio where he was always a source of invaluable advice, help and purchases along with Shah & Brian. Whatever happened to them? My sincere sympathy's go to Maggie, Anna, Lucy and George plus Alex's no doubt extended family.He will always be remembered. Dave Robinson